From the Kimber Custom Shop, CDP (Custom Defense Package) pistols combine all the best carry features into a package that gives them their name. Adding these features as they are produced reduces their price by over $500, making them an incredible value. CDP pistols have no equal for carry and defense, just what you expect from Kimber.
CDP pistols have it all. Up top are night sights dovetail-mounted on a stainless steel slide. The lightweight aluminum frame has 30 lines-per-inch checkering on the front strap and trigger guard belly. The frame also wears a KimPro II finish that is self-lubricating and resistant to moisture and salt. Like all Kimber 1911s, CDP pistols have a match grade barrel, chamber and trigger for unequaled accuracy. The Carry Melt treatment rounds and blends edges so they will not print or hang up on clothing.